Life is about exams

Students take their exams in schools or colleges, but everyone in their life has some exam to take, be it an interview, promotion, writing documents, interacting with strangers, buying groceries, traveling.

Everything that goes on in your life is a tiny little exam that you are giving.

Every single day, you are learning without even noticing.

Every day you get up with some purpose, some intention to do something in your life.

If there wasn’t something, you would have just stayed in your bed, ate, and slept again.

Life is a race and you can’t help but have to do something to get something. Every hurdle that you pass is your imaginary mark sheet.

Everybody is growing every second. It’s your duty to find out how.

Published by Nancy Nelson

Hellow I'm an aspiring lawyer and cs want to do something creative, write blogs on lifestyle, real life stories, fun and interesting blogs!

14 thoughts on “Life is about exams

  1. admit that it feels like a race. I remember getting up at five am, getting my daughter ready for pre-school, driving 1.5 hours to get to my job every day. Then I had a night class that went from 6:00 to 9:00 five days a week. Sorry but life in our world has become and been a race. Time to change this and I pray this new generation going to college with COVID will be the once to say enough is enough. You are right it should be more of an enlightening journey. Love ❤️ Joni


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