Tips and tricks to stay productive and motivated in this lockdown specially!

1. Don’t oversleep
sleep, get your rest, sleep is important. in fact, I’m a lover of sleep. so basically I need to sleep for 7 to 8 hours every day. but if I sleep beyond that I feel lethargic, everyone has a different amount of sleep they prefer.

2. Don’t get overly comfortable on your bed
I do after getting up see my mobile like sitting there for about an hour drinking water or tea anything. but soon after that make your bed. and don’t come back near it.change your environment.

3. Get ready
I know this lockdown doesn’t allow you to go out but take shower if you feel like putting some makeup go on. be neat and clean. comb your hair or tie it.

4. Make a to-do list
no matter how small it is, simple as calling a friend, cooking something write it down you will feel the most amazing day and the next day when you tick the things you have done. it energies you even more.

5. Do it for 5minutes
here are some times when you don’t feel like doing anything do it for 5min and you will feel like ok wait, let me finish it anyway, let me just get over it and even after 5 min you don’t feel like it don’t do it. its always trouble to start something and once you have started you feel like finishing it.

6. Treat yourself
if you have accomplished anything be it small or big treat your should be enjoyable. finish work and do whatever you wantbeing productive doesn’t mean doing 24hr but its getting things done!

Published by Nancy Nelson

Hellow I'm an aspiring lawyer and cs want to do something creative, write blogs on lifestyle, real life stories, fun and interesting blogs!

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